Pet Providers

Animal Trainers, Pet-sitters, and Groomers

We have the know-how you need.

Serving clients throughout Colorado

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Colorado Pet Provider Attorney | Animal Trainer, Sitter, & Groomer Lawyer

Animal trainers, pet sitters, animal behaviorists, and groomers can face a wide variety of liabilities, lawsuits, and other issues with clients and non-clients, depending on the circumstances. A Canine Good Citizen trainer may come across dogs who fight one another during training and are suddenly caught in the middle of two clients fighting over who is responsible for veterinary bills.

An Americans with Disabilities Act trainer may find him or herself with a disappointed and angry client who has a dog that did not take well to the training. A groomer can end up with a pup who got nicked during a haircut and an angry customer. Accidents happen. Animals are unpredictable; as much as we love them, they are still animals! An experienced animal lawyer knows how to handle these situations, and many more.

At The Animal Law Firm, we understand and we know how to resolve these conflicts and protect you and your business. We know you love animals and we want to make sure that responsible animal-business owners can keep providing quality services to the population they love!

Call us today to find out how we can help you help others.



We know how important your furry family member is to you. Whether they have no legs, two legs, or four or more legs, our priority is making sure you and your pet receive the best representation possible.