Civil Rights: Suing Bad Cops for Shooting Good Dogs

Everything you need to know about your rights when a cop shoots your dog unlawfully

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If a Colorado police officer shoots your dog unlawfully, you need representation.

Under the United States and Colorado Constitutions, the shooting of your dog, whether it results in your dog’s death or serious wounding, is an unlawful taking under the Fourth and Fifth Amendments. In some circumstances, it can also fall under the 8th Amendment for Cruel and Unusual Punishment. In all circumstances, it is wrong and the culpable actor should be held accountable for his/her actions.

Section 1983 of the Civil Rights Act permits recovery by a pet owner for the shooting death or wounding of his/her dog. Time is of the essence in these cases to quickly move to collect evidence before it is “lost” or destroyed.

You have a right to own, love, and enjoy your dog; your dog has a right to live and provide love.

Call our experienced Colorado animal attorneys today for a 30-minute consultation charged at $100*.

*consultation fee is non-refundable upon booking.



We know how important your furry family member is to you. Whether they have no legs, two legs, or four or more legs, our priority is making sure you and your pet receive the best representation possible.

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