What to do when Someone Refuses to return your Animal!

Our pet lawyers hear it all the time: my parents won’t give me back my dog after I moved out; my ex stole my dog; my roommate won’t give me back my dog; my dogsitter won’t give me back my dog; etc. The list goes on and on! If we didn’t do this every day …

Do You have Rights to a Pet You have been Pet-Sitting for months?

Our Colorado animal lawyers get asked ALL THE TIME whether or not a person has the right to keep, own, give away, etc. a dog or cat they have been “pet-sitting” for months or longer. Usually the story is a friend or family member gave this person a dog or cat to “watch” for an …

Aging Animals and Animal Cruelty Charges

Yes, you read that correctly: if your animal is old and looks it, you could face animal cruelty charges in Colorado! Typically, this usually happens with cats because they roam free without an owner and can easily get picked up by animal control. I have had more than one client who has an elderly cat …

Changing the World, one Tail at a Time

Our philosophy at The Animal Law Firm is most definitely cat- or dog-like: take long naps in the sun, get lots of belly rubs, drooling is allowed – in fact, it’s encouraged!, and do everything you can to bring love and happiness to others. Years of living with, working with, and studying animals has taught …

Denver’s Pit Bull Ban Repealed! But that’s not the end of the story…

Denver’s pit bull ban was repealed by a 64% margin! It will go into effect in January. The new law will create a permitting system for “pit bulls,” also known as American Pit Bull Terriers, American Staffordshire Terriers, and Staffordshire Bull Terriers. So technically, pit bulls are only “legal” if the pit bull owner registers …