Get your Animal Gifts in Writing!

Our Colorado animal attorneys know the ins and outs of gift law; and since animals are considered property, you will want an experienced animal lawyer representing you in a dispute over a gifted pet. Did your girlfriend or boyfriend give you a dog or other pet as a present? You had better get that gift …

My dog was Impounded! Help!

If your pet was impounded in Colorado, this is a very serious and scary situation and pet attorneys know how to move quickly and expertly to help mitigate it. Depending on the circumstances, you could be facing what is known as “forfeiture,” or, at the very least, a very long and expensive stay at a …

Is an Emotional Support Animal a “pet”?

Our animal lawyers get asked this question A LOT. The short answer is, NO. There is so much confusion around Emotional Support Animals and Service Animals in Colorado and around the United States. An Emotional Support Animal (ESA) is NOT a pet. Neither is a service animal. However, an ESA is NOT a service animal …

Colorado Dangerous Dog Laws and how to protect your pet!

Dogs are usually not dangerous or aggressive. They are usually good dogs in bad situations being punished under bad laws. The Colorado attorneys at The Animal Law Firm have the knowledge and experience to help protect your dog if you are charged with ownership of a dangerous dog. The dangerous dog laws in Colorado are …

My Ex took my dog and won’t give her back! What do I do??

We hear it all the time: my ex took my dog and won’t give her (or him) back, what do I do? Legally, in Colorado, you can not go to your ex’s house or apartment and take the dog off the premises, even if you own the dog. The reason is because you could be …

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