Kristina Bergsten

Staff Spotlight: Kelly Hathaway-Almstrom ⭐️

Staff Spotlight!⭐️ Kelly Hathaway-Almstrom is a paralegal here at the Animal Law Firm and a current part-time law student at Stetson University College of Law! Kelly currently serves as the Executive Board Secretary of her law school’s Student Animal Legal Defense Fund and is an active member in various other environmental organizations on campus. She recently received a Master of Science in Conservation Medicine from the Cummings School of Veterinary Medicine at Tufts University. She previously worked as a Senior Fellow at the Institute on Science for Global Policy (ISGP). As a clinical sea turtle rescue and rehabilitation intern, Kelly helped rescue and rehabilitate cold-stunned sea turtles in New England, which included over 500 patients in the 2021-2022 stranding season. Kelly became interested in pursuing a career in animal law while working towards her M.S. in Conservation Medicine. Being exposed to wildlife, agricultural, and domestic animal law issues through this program, Kelly became aware of the limited legal protections for animals and the strong need for advocates in this area of law. Kelly has a very spoiled pet tortoise named Tortilla!🐢 

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