Hannah Grant

When and Why Should I Hire an Animal Lawyer?

Maybe you have a pet dog who has been accused of biting a human. Maybe you have experienced veterinary malpractice and would like to pursue action. Maybe you and your former partner are in a dispute over who gets custody of your beloved pet. 

These are just a few of the possible scenarios in which a lawyer specializing in animal law would be helpful. But why choose an animal lawyer over a general practice lawyer? 

What is Animal Law?

Animal law is what it sounds like. Encompassing any non-human legal issue, animal law ranges from domesticated pets like dogs and cats, all the way to farm and even exotic animals. Animal lawyers are responsible for representing and defending animals and their humans in legal disputes. 

What can Animal Lawyers do that standard lawyers can’t?

You might be asking yourself, so what? Can’t non-specialized lawyers help me with my animal law troubles anyways?

And technically, the answer to that question is yes. Licensed lawyers in your state may be willing to help you with your animal law needs. However, it is crucial to acknowledge the unique benefits that Animal Lawyers bring to the table in these scenarios. 

First, Animal Lawyers are highly specialized in the intricacies of animal law. Animal laws are highly complex, and vary depending on the state you are a resident of. This necessitates a deep knowledge of state laws and how they apply to your unique case. If you are located in Colorado, Texas, New York or New Jersey the Animal Law Firm can help. If you’re in one of the other fifty states, be sure and find an Animal Lawyer licensed (and experienced) for your state’s unique animal laws.

By choosing an Animal Lawyer over another lawyer, you are lessening your personal burden in your animal law dispute. Animal lawyers are ready and willing to do the heavy lifting when it comes to deciphering cases and how the laws relate to your unique context in a way a general lawyer may not be able to.

When would an Animal Lawyer be necessary?

Because the field of animal law is so diverse, there are plenty of scenarios in which an animal lawyer’s expertise would be a welcome and necessary contribution.

Dog Bite Defense:

Many a dog owner’s worst nightmare, dog bite cases are one of the most common situations Animal Lawyers deal with. These cases are also often treated differently by state, so we recommend reaching out to an Animal Lawyer licensed in your state, as they will have a solid grasp on how to proceed. By choosing an Animal Lawyer you are taking a step toward protecting your beloved pet. 

Pet Custody Disputes:

It’s already hard enough going through a breakup with a partner, but when pet custody becomes part of the conflict, a tough situation can be made worse. With factors such as financial investment, who signed adoption papers, veterinary visits, and more coming into play, pet custody is a complex issue. If you want to ensure your pet is cared for and remains your pet, reaching out to an Animal Lawyer can help alleviate anxiety over your pets future. 

Other Animal Issues an Animal Lawyer can help with:

  • Emotional Support Animals
  • Equine Law
  • Exotic Pets
  • Veterinary Malpractice
  • Wrongful shooting of animals
  • Pet Trusts

If you find yourself in any of the situations described above, or if you just have no idea where to begin tackling the legal issue facing you, we recommend consulting an animal lawyer. Finding an animal lawyer that is an expert in your field, and is a good match for you, means that you and your animal are on track to remedying your legal issue.

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