CURRENT EVENT: Utah bill, HB114 Theft Defense Amendments

CURRENT EVENT: Utah bill, HB114 Theft Defense Amendments, has passed the House committee and continues to be pushed through the Utah legislature. This bill is an attempt to eliminate the right to rescue animals in Utah in direct response to the Smithfield Trial. This would ban the key protection of suffering animals. The Animal Law …

Keep Kano Home!

Kano was given to my client as an emaciated, scared, abused dog. The Gloucester County Court in New Jersey ordered the dog to go back to his abuser after my client nursed him back to health. The Gloucester Judge said “pets are property.” Learn more about Kano, his road to recovery, and sign the petition …

Fighting for the Underdog: NJ Aid for Animals

NEW episode of Fighting for the Underdog Podcast out NOW! Hannah Grant, with the Animal Law Firm, interviews Kathy McGuire, the President and Founder of NJ Aid for Animals. NJ Aid for Animals is a 501(c)(3) non-profit corporation with the motto, “Advocacy. Action. Impact.”. Their mission is to provide programs for domestic animals on wellness, …

BREAKING NEWS: Bear Cubs Killed in NJ

Four baby bears were cruelly shot to death in New Jersey by a local man on November 14th. The New Jersey Fish and Wildlife Department has charged Matthew Ligus for hunting with a firearm, hunting a bear during a closed season, and hunting with an illegal weapon and ammunition, BUT they have disregarded any animal …

Lobbying for Animals: State & Federal Legislative Update

On December 6th, Strategic Legislative Affairs Manager, Alicia Prygoski, will be hosting a webinar, Lobbying for Animals: State and Federal Legislative Update for the Animal Legal Defense Fund! It is free and open to the public, so listen in to hear about the legislative progress made for animals this year, bills passed in 2022, and …

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