National Dog Bite Awareness Week

This week is National Dog Bite Awareness Week AND Pet Appreciation Week! Show your appreciation for your pet by learning how to prevent dog bites and how to protect your pet in the case of a dog bite. Find our resources below and on our website at “My Dog is Accused of Being Dangerous?” …

ALF Answers: “It’s Never Really About the Pet”

NEW episode of ALF Answers is out today! Listen in every Thursday to find out if ALF can help YOU! Kristina Bergsten, Esquire with The Animal Law Firm, discusses what “dog adjacent” means among ALF team members, and the hidden truth behind many animal-related legal matters. Find it on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Anchor, or by …


We are in the home stretch – HELP US GET ZION HOME! The appellate court has officially ruled that the trial got it wrong! Per the rules, the appellate court is sending Zion’s case back to the original judge. Let’s make sure the town of Parker hears LOUD AND CLEAR THAT ZION NEEDS TO GO …

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